Cane Toads

Managing cane toads

You've probably seen many of these ugly, invasive pests in the EcoVillage. BioSecurity Queensland has a fact sheet that explains their lifecycle and how to identify them (at every stage of their lifecycle).

The cane toad is not a prohibited or restricted invasive animal under the Biosecurity Act 2014. However, by law, everyone has a general biosecurity obligation (GBO) to take reasonable and practical steps to minimise the risks associated with invasive plants and animals under their control.

By reducing the population of cane toads in the EcoVillage we can prevent deaths of native animals who might eat the toads. We will also help native frogs, who compete for food with these hungry invaders.

What should you do?

Cane toads have toxins under their skin - you should never pick one up with your bare hands. The toxin is extremely painful if rubbed into your eye.

As much fun as it might be to kick them as far as you can or stab them to death, here are the recommended ways to control their population:

  • Remove eggs from water ways. This is the most effective way to reduce their population. Cane toad eggs are laid in long, gelatinous ‘strings’ with the developing tadpoles appearing as a row of small black dots along the length. Native frogs produce egg clusters as mounds of foam floating on the water surface.

  • Kill individual toads using commercial spray from a hardware store e.g. HopStop

  • Pick up individual toads using long tongs, put them in a plastic bag and place in the freezer. Wear eye protection and gloves. Wash your hands and throw your clothes in the wash afterwards.

  • Construct fences (at least 50cm high) to keep cane toads out of ponds.